Early Childhood
Early childhood

Our goal is to foster learning and music exposure while at the same time creating an outlet for positive energy, meeting new friends & parents, and singing & dancing together!
Introducing music into a child’s life at an early age also plays a key role in their development. Music education helps to encourage learning in speech, math, motor skills, expression, and socialization. Creating music together with others is also a bountiful source of joy and happiness—regardless of age! And of course, for students who wish to continue with music lessons throughout their life, it is a major advantage to get a head start!
Course descriptions
In our “Mommy and Me” classes, we introduce the children to music through songs they will love. The songs we sing are fun and age appropriate. The parents or guardians are encouraged to join in the festivity. We use “call and response” to introduce the experience of rhythm and melody. The goal of the class is to create a joyful experience that will foster a love for music.
In every class, we sing songs that children love. Children are encouraged to express themselves through singing and movement. Through these songs we experience musical fundamentals of rhythm and melody. We sing songs where the melody moves up and the melody moves down. We sing songs that are loud and songs that are soft, songs that are fast and songs that are slow. We sing about buses, picnics, dinosaurs, sunshine, and much more! We perform songs where we move our bodies to the music. We learn songs through “call and response.” Most of all, we have fun!
How do I enroll?
You may contact the school via email at mail@musicinchappaqua.com. Please include your availability and your student’s name and age. After that, our director Angie Angier will help determine which classes are most suitable and the office will help complete your registration. To register, please fill out our online registration form
What is required of caregivers?
A parent or caregiver is required to stay for students under 3 years old. Students ages 3-4 may be dropped off however we encourage parents and caregivers to participate! We welcome caregivers to stay in our waiting area.
How much do classes cost?
There are seven classes, beginning September 12th and running through October 31st. The cost for these weekly classes is $350. We encourage students to attend every class. Should it be necessary to miss a class, kindly contact the office via email. Classes will run regardless of the number of students in attendance. There are no make-ups for missed classes.